Marie-Curie Fellow
Centre for Political Research (CEVIPOF)
Sciences Po
Before joining CEVIPOF, I was a post-doctoral researcher in the Justitia Amplificata Centre for Advanced Studies (2018-19) and the Leibniz Research Group ‘Transnational Justice’ (2019-23) at Goethe University Frankfurt. I have also been an adjunct lecturer on Sciences Po’s Reims campus (2014-2018).
I am a graduate of Oxford University (DPhil 2017; MSc 2010) and Uppsala University (politices magister 2010).
Current Courses
The Philosophy of (Non)Voting
Ordinary citizens’ participation in elections is a cornerstone of contemporary democratic practice. Presidents are elected or ejected from office, governments stand and fall, the authority of legislative program is sustained or undermined, as a result of citizens’ votes. Yet, in many democracies electoral participation rates decline, which raises important philosophical questions.
The Philosophy of Representative Democracy
This course surveys contemporary scholarship in anglophone democratic theory, focusing on questions and debates relating to the idea and practice of representative democracy. The course introduces participants to the most prominent justifications and conceptions of democracy (minimalist, aggregative, deliberative, republican, and agonistic); it explores the concept of representation as well as radical critiques of representation; and it studies the normative purposes of political elections.
Freiheit, Gleichheit, Macht: Grundlegende Begriffe der Politik
Im politischen Gespräch und in der politischen Theorie nutzen wir oft Begriffe wie Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, Rechte, oder Macht. Die Meinung dieser grundlegenden Begriffe oder Konzepte ist jedoch komplex und umstritten. Um hiermit zurecht zu kommen, schauen wir in dieser Veranstaltung genauer auf eine Reihe grundlegender Begriffe der Politik, und versuchen zu verstehen, auf welche verschiedene Weisen die jeweiligen Konzepte konstruiert werden können.